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There is a real difference between surface confidence and real, authentic confidence.  Developing that confidence comes from establishing a strong, consistent routine that you can lean on each and every day.  My goal is to help, develop and nurture the mental game for the athletes that I work with.  Everyone talks about sports and life in terms of both physical and mental development.  However, there is a real inequity that exists for the Mental Fitness part of a person's overall development.  Mental Fitness comes from the same mindset that physical fitness comes from; devoting time each day to exercise the things that will help a person develop endurance & fitness on the "Mental Game".  When a person is able to harness this part of development they are now much better equipped to deal with the turbulence that comes from everyday life and sports!

It is my mission to help, support and encourage people to be the best versions of themselves!

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The benefits of mental fitness in sports are abundant.  First and foremost we want our young athletes to be happy, healthy and confident.  Many teenagers are experiencing some sort of stress or anxiety, some of these are triggered by their experiences in athletics.  Learning an everyday routine as well as tools to help you “reset” when the need arises are invaluable. 

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